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By Janet Vargas - Owner Of This Website

I really feel for Grown-Up Kids who have had things hard with their Parents - a lack of Attention, Affection etc. And I can just imagine the regret and concern in some Parents when they realize what they've done. Some parents really don't care much for their Kids like they should - every Child we bring on this Earth is entitled to that - and many Parents are caught up in what's happening to or around them and they do not Cope well, to give their Children the Emotional Security they need.…

By Janet Vargas - Owner Of This Website

I met someone in a Store today whose parents neglected her from 2 years of age. A lovely lady 80 years old, who was happy to show me where to find an item, and we shared an interesting conversation. She was sharing some interests she's had like Scuber Diving etc and Crafts. Not everyone who has experienced Emotional Neglect manages to make a good life for themselves, but she did say that "her Arts & Crafts are her Life". She has not felt comfortable about relationships.…

By Janet Vargas - Natural Health Researcher

So don't be frightened of germs because there are Good Germs as well, kids are missing out on that benefit their Immune System. It’s much Safer than text books say – just one of many practices grandparents and their grandparents encouraged, and their kids were healthier than children Today. No they weren’t mistaken – less educated but not silly. We have been, to take so much notice of information we have been brought up with medical influence.

Kids Love Nature - Its Good For Them

And today’s Medical System always scaring us into Antibiotics and Vaccines  - half of which are not appropriate for or country here in Australia.…