A List of Girls Names with Meanings and Origins
These Names are Selected for the Sound and Meaning with Countries of Origin included from a 5-6 month Special Project because I heard some awful names some parents are calling their child like Carr for a Boy and Atlas for a girl (believe it or not). Names have real importance to me and they should for every parent. I have met women and girls who have been named after a boat, an actress they're not keen on, nonsensical made up names from two names (that does not have any meaning) fictitious fantasy names from TV programs etc We are giving someone a Name for Life and every time someone says our name, it has a meaning. These are all the best names I've found in tireless research for you so your experience is a pleasant one - selecting a name for a child or even for oneself if you are not happy with a name you have been given. There are some really beautiful names in this extensive List. I wish you well with your selection.
Hours of searching has gone into this List. I have done the Research and Collating of names, the Screening and Sifting for you to make things easier so you can enjoy!
Names in Red have really Nice Meanings
Names in Green sound really Beautiful OR Pretty.
Anna Grace Hebrew
Adelie Noble meadow, serene America
Adeline Noble, kind French Pleasant German
Adelisa Of the nobility Noble German
Annalisa Grace Hebrew
Adelita Sweet or noble German Spanish
Adella Noble, kind Spanish
Alice Nobility English
Adella Of the nobility. Noble Spanish
Adette Sweet or noble German
Alana Peaceful, serene Celtic Irish Gaelic
Aleena Alina Bright and Beautiful Pakistani Slavic
Aleeza Joy, joyful Hebrew
Aleezah Joyous Hebrew
Alena Light Celtic Slovakia
Alessa Noble one Hebrew
Aletia Honest Spanish
Alize Joyful Hebrew
Aviva Joyful spring Hebrew
Alissa Truth, noble English Hebrew
Alitza Joyous Hebrew
Alivia Peace, tree of life English OR Olivia Latin
Adonia beautiful Spanish
Akemi (ah-ke-mee) Beautiful sunrise Japanese
Alaine Beautiful Irish
Alana Beautiful Dear child Peaceful Irish
Analena Grace, favour Variation of Anna Spanish
Anetta Grace Hebrew
Anja Grace of God Russian
Annalisa Grace or devoted to God Hebrew
Annikki Grace Hebrew
Aliza Joyful Hebrew
Ashika Hope Desire India
Amia Beloved Hebrew Latin
Alizah Joy, joyful Hebrew
Amy Beloved Dearly loved French
Amy-Rose My absolute favorite version of this name
Antonia Praiseworthy Hebrew
Adalia God is my Refuge, Noble German
Bianca Fair German Shining Italian Pure Romanian
Beata (be-ar-ta) Blessed and Loyal German
Bethany House of Song Greek
Bonie Good English
Bonita Pretty, beautiful Spanish
Bonni Pretty, Charming Scottish
Benecia Blessed one Latin Spanish
Bonita Beautiful Pretty Spanish
Bella beautiful French Spanish Latin-America
Belinda Very beautiful Italian Spanish
Carmel Fruitful place Hebrew
Carmela Garden Hebrew
Carmina Song English
Carmita Song English
Carola Song of happiness French
Catalina Pure Form of the Greek Catherine meaning pure
Catelyn Pure a Spanish girl name Blessed, Pure, Holy
Chantell Singer French
Charisse (Shar-ise) Grace Beauty and Kindness French
Chantelle Singer French
Cortney Courtly, courteous English
Casee Vigilant brave Irish
Catelyn Variation of the name Katherine, meaning pure Irish
Chloe Verdent and blooming. Cloe, Cloee, Khloe Greek English
Calissa Beautiful. Variation of the name Calista Most beautiful Greek
Calla Beauty most beautiful Greek
Cara Dearest beloved in Latin love in Cornish beautiful face Spanish/Latin
Cherished and Beloved One Italian little friend or little beloved Gaelic and Irish
Carina Dear one Dear, beloved Italian
Carissa Beloved very dear Greek Caress French Embrace Italian
Grace kindness English
Carita Beloved one Italian dearness, esteem, love Latin
Carlyn Small and womanly Greek One who has freedom Latin
Cathy Pure Greek
Cathryn Pure Irish
Cherie Beloved French
Cherine Variation of the name Cherie, meaning Dear One, Darling French
Cherisa Dear one, darling. Blend of Cherie and Cerise English
Cherise Cherry French
Cherrell Variation of the French name Cherie, meaning dear one, darling
Cherrelle Variation of the name Cherie, meaning dear one, darling
Cherrie The fruit bearing cherry tree English
Cheryl Beloved French
Chessa Peaceful Slavic
Christa Christ bearer English
Christi Follower of Christ Abbreviation of Christine Irish
Cianna God is gracious Italian
Cianni God gracious Italian
Clarissa Brilliant Latin
Chedva Joyous Hebrew
Charissa (Shar-issa) Grace Greek
Charise (Shar-ise) charming, hopeful French
Chanina (Shar-nina) Favored, Grace Hebrew
Christia Follower of Christ Latin
Danna Danni Feminine for Daniel God is my Judge Hebrew
Danielle Feminine for Daniel God is my Judge Hebrew
Dara Compassionate Hebrew
Darissa Wise Hebrew
Darlina Darlena Darling English
Davina Beloved Celtic Gaelic Cherished Scottish
Diana (Dee-anna) Complete Light Hebrew Arabic Italian
Emma Beloved Latin
Elaine (eh-lane) Bright Light French
Eve Eva Giver of life Hebrew
Evalina Evalyn Life English
Evelyn Wished for child French
Evalina Light and Life Swedish
Elsa Joyful and Noble Swedish
Florence To flower and flourish English
Fay Fae Variation of the name Faith, meaning Confidence, Trust, Belief English
Fay-Ann (Fay) same as above (Ann) Priceless English German Irish
Faylene Fayleen Fine daughter A Graceful Woman English
Felicia Felisha Happiness Latin
Fiona White, Fair Scottish
Felicity Happiness Latin
Gloria Glory Latin
Gloriana Glorious grace English
Gloriann Give praise with grace American
Glorianna Glorious grace English
Grace Grace of God Latin Favor, benevolence Hebrew
Gwenda Fair and good Welsh
Glenys Beautiful and Holy .. Ireland
Helen Helena Light Greek
Hanna Favored, Grace Hebrew
Hannah Grace of God Hebrew
Hannela Favored, Grace Hebrew
Hope Confident expectation Hebrew
Ishi He saves me Hebrew
Jan God has been gracious Scottish
Janette God has been gracious English
Janet Gift from God Hebrew Paradise Persian
Janetta Gift from God Hebrew Paradise Persian
Jane God is Gracious, God is merciful originates in Hebrew
Janet God has been gracious God’s gracious gift English
It is also a French and Scottish name
Jenny relates to Jane
Jennie Swedish Jenny Spanish
Jenna A small bird in Arabic and African
Janelle God is merciful Hebrew English and French
Jeanette Danish Yana Norwegian Yanna Greek
Janella The Lord has been Gracious English He has shown Favor Hebrew
Janessa God is Gracious Hebrew Elaborated form of JANE influenced by Vanessa
of Scottish and Norwegian origin From Jane in English
Jean Scottish Gift from God Hebrew Jeanette God is gracious English
Joanna Polish and Hebrew in origin and its meaning is Grace or Gift of God
Janice Gift from God and God is Gracious in Hebrew
Joanna Gift of God Hebrew in origin
Joyanna Rejoicing French
Jemma Precious Stone English
Jolie Cheerful, pretty, beautiful Spanish
Janna Flourishing Hebrew
Kay keeper of the keys, pure English
Kaylah keeper of the keys, pure English
Kaylen Kaylene Keeper of the keys, Pure English
Kayley Kayli Keeper of the keys, Pure English
Kaylyn Keeper of the keys, Pure English
Kiara Clear in Thoughts Bright minded Light Irish Italian Latin
Kaya Adds a place of resting Japanese
Kaira Peaceful Scandinavian
Kaiyah Full of grace Hebrew
Kiana Living with grace American
Kalika A Rosebud Greek
Kaly Rosebud Greek
Kari (KAH Ree) Form of Katherine Pure of heart Greek
Kalyn Rosebud Greek
Karen Pure Scandinavian
Kyria Noble lady Hebrew
Lani Sky Hawaiian
Lara Cheerful Greek
Larissa Cheerful Greek
Letitia Joyful, Happy Latin
Leticia Joyful, Gladness English
Latisha Great Joy Afro American
Latoya Praised woman Afro American
Licia Happy Latin
Liana My God has answered Hebrew
Lilianna Gracious lily Latin
Lillee Loving, caring, easy to talk to, good listener.
Variation of the name Lily English
Lilli Flower Latin
Lillie Innocence, purity and beauty of lilies English
Lillian Blend of Lily and Ann English
Lilliana Purity and beauty Spanish
Linda Pretty one Spanish
Lindi Beautiful love English
Lisa Consecrated to God Hebrew
Lisa-Jane (Lisa) same as above (Jane) God Is Gracious & Merciful Hebrew
Lois Good Agreeable Hebrew More desirable Greek
Lyn Beautiful American
Lynda Beautiful Latin
Lynette Little beauty French
Lana Attractive, peaceful Celtic Gaelic
Malia Calm and peaceful Hawaiian
Malana Light Hawaiian
Malia Calm and peaceful Hawaiian
Luana Happy and joyous Contented and relaxed Hawaiian
Margret Pearl German
Mari Wished for child Hebrew
Marnina Rejoice Hebrew
Marni To rejoice Hebrew
Mary-Jane Happy, cheerful. Marie-Jane English
Matana Blessing Hebrew
Mavie Songbud Happiness Celtic
Mavise Joy French
Melissa Honey Bee Greek
Mayleen Beautiful Chinese
McKayla Who is like God Celtic Gaelic
Michelle Who is like God French
Melody Song like Greek
Merci Compassionate French
Mercia Mercy English
Mili Virtuous Hebrew
Mira Behold, admirable Latin
Miranda Admirable, beautiful Latin
Myra From the name Miranda Latin
Mirari Miracle Portuguese
Mirela Admirable Romanian
Myla Merciful English
Myma Beloved Irish
Nadia Hopeful Slavic
Nancy Gracious Favored Grace English
Nanci Favor and Grace English
Nanelia Grace in Hebrew
Nanetta Grace in Hebrew
Nanette Gracious French
Nariko Gentle Child Japanese
Naomi Beautiful, Agreeable Hebrew
Nadia Hope Italy Spanish Greek Romania
Nanita Favored, Grace Hebrew
Neri Light of God Hebrew
Olivia Peace and Olive Latin
Rebecca Captivating, beautiful Hebrew
Reina Peaceful Spanish
Risa Laughter Latin
Rena Joy Hebrew
Raya Friend Hebrew
Rina Rinnah Joyous song Hebrew
Risha Noble English
Rochelle Little Rock French
Rosanna Gracious Rose English
Rosetta Little Rose Italian
Rosa Rose Latin
Rosie Rose Flower English
Rosa Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch,
German, English, Bulgaria Macedonian Rose French Rosie English
Shamika Loving, kind, beautiful Afro American Happy and Cheerful Arabic
Sharna Lily, Beautiful, Or God Is Gracious. Shortened version of the Hebrew
Shanae From the name Shana Hebrew
Shanika Vibrant, Cheerful English
Shantell Song American
Sharai Princess Variation of the name Sharon Hebrew
Sharayah Friend in Israel
Sharla Little and Womanly French
Sharmila Modest Blissful One Russia
Sharni Place of many roses Irish
Sharnta To Sing or Cheer France
Sharna Beautiful Yiddish Lily or Rose God is gracious Hebrew
Sharon A fertile plain Beautiful Princess His song Hebrew
Shayla Her gift Celtic Gaelic
Shemariah Protected by God Hebrew
Sheri From the name Sharon Hebrew
Sherine From the name Sharon Hebrew
Sherise From the name Charisse Greek Grace Beauty and Kindness French
Sherri Beloved Hebrew
Sheree Darling French
Shimeka Beautiful princess, beautiful angel, faith English
Shina Virtue, good Japanese
Shira A song Hebrew
Shiri Song of my soul Hebrew
Shirina Love song American
Shona Feminine form of John God has been Gracious Hebrew
Shoshana Lily Hebrew
Sosanna Lily Irish
Shoshanah Rose Hebrew
Sidonie Flower French
Sonrisa Smiles Spanish
Sonya Wisdom Latin
Sophia Wisdom Greek
Sophie Wisdom Greek
Stacey Resurrection Greek
Stacia Resurrection Slavic
Stacie Resurrection
Stasia Resurrection Russian
Suhani Pleasant Indian
Susanna Lily Latin
Suki One who is Loved Japanese
Sarah Princess Hebrew
Tallia Joyful, Blooming Greek
Talora Talori Morning's dew Hebrew
Tamah Joy Hebrew
Teisha Happy Latin
Thea Gift of God Greek
Talia Taliyah Tahlia Morning Dew Hebrew
Takara Treasure Japanese
Vivian Viviana Full of life Italian
Vesna Spring Slavic
Vida Dearly loved Scottish
Vinaya Modest Indian
Valerie Strength, health French Strong and valiant English
Valarie Strong and Healthy Latin Courageous American Strength French
Yalissa a beautiful flower in Israel
Zarah Sunrise, rising of light Hebrew
Zemil Joyous melody Hebrew
This List is Copyright to my Websites © Janet Vargas 2018-2024